Thursday, October 1, 2009


A Few Great Events coming up in October - Join us!
Oct. 2: First Friday tabling - look for us out front of the now-opening Friendly Spot icehouse (former location of King Willie's on South Alamo)

Oct 10th: CPS Livegreenfest - sharing a booth with the fabulous Cove Restaurant - NOTE: this event is postponed due to rain - we'll keep you posted on new dates.

A Few Quick Tips for Promoting Recycling in San Anto:
Each day, you, me and everyone we meet can take a simple, everyday step to make our city a better place. We can all reduce, reuse, and recycle to keep our bills down and keep useful material out of landfills.

If you already have curbside recycling at your house: you can make the most of it by recycling not only the usual glass bottles and jars, but also paper of almost all types, plastics (labled #1 - #7) and metal. For questions: call "311."

If you live in an apartment or are a business owner and don't yet have recycling, you can help us secure recycling options by signing and circulating this petition. If you're a tenant, you can also ask your property manager what plans are underway to set up recycling.

Meanwhile, on this blog you'll find a raft of resources to help, brought to you by the Alamo Group of the Sierra Club.

We hope to hear from you: You can post your stories and suggestions here!

1 comment:

  1. I recently moved to a condo. We have no recycling. I take my own to the place on Probandt (can't remember the name, Newell or BFI) but they do not take glass. Anyone know where glass can be recycled?
    Also, I would like to propose to my HOA to recycle. Anyone with any experience in this that can tell me their story?



You can arrange for a water audit to save money on water bills at San Antonio Water System.